martes, 3 de septiembre de 2019

post 2 - Holidays or concert

I don't have a favorite holidays and i've never been to a concert. I don't like it, and from holidays the only thing that i like about it is i was in my place... that only. I'm not the type of person that i like go out with people or just only go out from my house...
And i don't have money for it.
I don't like concert because i do not like crowded and noisy place, i like stay by my own. Maybe i'm bored or something like that but i really don't want that thinks. I like beach but i do not like stay there for more than a day or with more person than my family because i'm used to my family. I'm just like a Hikikomori (A special japanese word for people who don't like leave they house or rooms)
So, is that, i've never been to a concert and i don't like it. I've never had a special holiday and that's okey for me.

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MY BUCKET LIST I do a lot of thing that i like and i'm happy with them, i really don't have something in my mind that i want to do...