domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2019


I do a lot of thing that i like and i'm happy with them, i really don't have something in my mind that i want to do. I'm a simple and clean person with my wishes. But maybe i have a littles thing, imposibles and littles things just like go to Uruk, the real Uruk, the Gilgamesh's Uruk but i need a time machine.
Maybe i want to see the history, that old person that i admire: Jeanne d'arc, Enkidu, Gilgamesh, Lugalbanda, Lalibela, Florence Nightingale...
i want to live by my own in a hous out of the city with a lot of animals, internet, tv and my things. I want to have a lot of money and not work ever more.
And i want to be stronger, i want to change a lot of thing but i'm not.

I want to do that thing by my own but i can't do it, i need a person because i have social anxiety. I don't like to depend on my family and my friends.
My bucket list is full of thing that i want to do by myself without a person at my side, on my own.

i want to wright a book, make a movie, make a comic, make a painting, sculpture in clay, drawings with markers, digitals and acuarele. And i do a lot of that things, but i'm not happy with them.

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MY BUCKET LIST I do a lot of thing that i like and i'm happy with them, i really don't have something in my mind that i want to do...