viernes, 9 de agosto de 2019

Practice post

It's not safe give your personal information on internet, if you like you give and strange person your phone or your home address, it's just only not safe because you do not if that person make good thinks with your information. On internet is same, you don't really know what type of person read your blog, or your face or your account. 

In my case, it's depend the social media. Just like, in face (I don't use it) i only post my name, my BD, my age and a photo of me because i use it from friends or University things. In instagram, i don't have any information of me, just only the informations of my art page. And in Tumblr, my information it's not complete about me, it's the information about my Rolpayer blogs and my characters and me as the "Mun" (it's just like a character puppeter or something like that) 
My favorite social media is Tumblr, because i rolplayer here with my partners and my muses (my character) It's funny, it's easy to use it and have a lot of things that another don't. 
I have a lot aspects of my personal informations that i don't want to share with the word, beacuse i do not like it and this is only, i don't like share photos of me, or what i do in the day. Just only memes and important informations about things i like o things that happened in the world. 

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MY BUCKET LIST I do a lot of thing that i like and i'm happy with them, i really don't have something in my mind that i want to do...